Welcome to New Brunswick’s leader in Driver Education

PARENT Approved
Full Programs
Blended Learning with Theory and In-Vehicle Training
Vehicle Handling and Parking
City Driving Strategies
Freeway and Highway Driving
Road testing at ServiceNB when ready
Certification for Insurance Discounts
Novice Driving Program
Our most popular training program!
- ELearning Theory
- 5 hours of In-Person Classroom
- 10 Hours of Private In-Car Instruction
Instruction and the use of the car for testing at ServiceNB when assessed as ready.
$929 +HST
Plus Driving Program
It provides more flexibility to review items and practice for a few extra hours with one of our professionals.
- ELearning Theory
- 5 hours of In-Person Classroom
- 14 hours of Private In-car Instruction
Testing arrangements will be made when ready.
$1165 +HST
Premium Training Program
For those who intend to receive the majority of teaching & practice with their instructor. As in the other packages, testing is provided when ready.
- ELearning Theory
- 5 hours of In-Person Classroom
- 20 hours of Private In-car Instruction
$1479 +HST
our instructors are there to help you all the way to your license
is our priority always
after 35 years in business you can trust your management team
WHat our Students & Parents are Saying…

Individual lessons and packages
These lessons are intended for drivers with experience who are looking to upgrade their existing skills for variety of reasons :
Preparation for an upcoming road test
Refresher Lessons for Licensed Drivers
New residents who want to become familiar with the area and possible testing
Assessments for our Senior licensed drivers
Winter Driving
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the procedure to obtain a learners permit (7-1 license)?
All new drivers must pass their 7-1 written test at ServiceNB in order to legally drive a car with one other fully licensed driver (class 5). You’ll need this to do your lessons with your instructor and to be able to practice with friends/family in between each session while you are training.
You can book an in-person appointment by calling 1-888-762-8600. ServiceNB now offers the test online which has made it much easier to get the process started. Visit www.snb.ca for more details or https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/public-safety/community_safety/content/drivers_vehicles/content/driving_rules.html
What do I need to study to prepare for the 7-1 written test?
The Drivers Handbook has all the content you need to prepare for the exam.
Can I begin the driver training program before I have obtained my learners permit (7-1 license)?
You can begin your ELearning Theory at anytime. Where it is done independently, it gives you the flexibility to do the online studies at your convenience and at your own pace. The program is a series of modules with testing throughout to ensure your understanding of each item, with final exams at the end. It is helpful if you are also studying for your 7-1 written test at the same time. Our theory is different and designed to help prepare you for your lessons with your instructor. Having a good foundation of the basic rules of the road is a benefit.
If you want to get a jump start, you can also start your program theory 60 days before your 16th birthday.
What is the average length of time it takes to complete the Full ELearning Program?
The theory portion of the program can be finished as quickly as you like. Some students finish in a few days while others take a couple of months. Do what will help you to learn best.
Once the driving begins, the average completion time for the majority of lessons is a minimum of 2-3 months. The Department of Motor Vehicles requires that new drivers must have a permit for a minimum of eight months, before the drivers’ test is permitted. New drivers need the knowledge at the start of the eight months, so that they can practice safely over that time until they assessed ready and are eligible for a drivers test. For our customers with older permits & demonstrating good skill development, we may be able to accelerate the process but subject to availability.
What is the procedure to obtain a Beginners License/Learners Permit?
Click on the SNB link below for full procedures:
How do I book my Drivers Test?
For students registered in the Full program, once your instructor assesses you as ready for your license, our office will arrange for your exam at ServiceNB. Be sure to follow your instructor’s recommendations for practice in between each of your lessons so we can keep everything on track for you.
How do I save on my insurance?
If you are a newly licensed driver, successful completion of the full driving program gives you a perfect driving record and therefore better rates. Without training it takes years to earn your driving record and get better pricing. For more details you should consult directly with your insurance company/broker.
Note*** Individual lessons will not qualify for insurance discounts only a full training program.